I'm married to Mr. Amazing, my best friend, my love and my very own hero. We've been married 9 years this November 2009. We have 7 kids together, and still find time to put each other first. He's a great man with a caring heart. While serving our Nation in Iraq in 07/08 I learned just how much I did not want to live without him. We are so blessed that God used that time apart to work on not only his heart but our whole family. We are not perfect but learn everyday what for better or worse really means.

Prince Charming is our oldest son (15). He's truly a charming kid, who genuinely cares about others and wants to help as much as he can. Extremely intelligent, funny and always knows how to make you smile. It's hard for me to believe he's a teenager now. He's always been a "ladies man" since he was old enough to know when he was getting a reaction with those beautiful blue eyes. Of course having little old ladies "coo" at him in the grocery store is a bit different than watching all the teenage girls do the same now. He has no idea how many grey hairs he gives his mommy.

Blondie is my oldest girl (14) blonde hair, baby blue eyes, more comfortable with boys for best friends and wow is she full of life. She has more energy than anyone in the house. Kind hearted, talkative, and very outgoing she’s a beautiful creation of both her mom and Dad. Blondie has a big heart for animals of all kinds but a huge soft spot especially for dogs. She's very creative and particularly loves photography. I often use the pictures she takes of our pets on all my online sites. It really feels like yesterday she was my baby girl.

Prince True Heart is my youngest boy (12). He truly has a heart of gold and knows how to make you laugh just when you need it most. He's extremely smart and can often be found with a book curled up reading somewhere. He’s Adventorous and perfectly happy to flow with whatever the older two teens come up with. He knows how to entertain himself when the older two are being "too cool" hang out with their little brother. I strongly believe that he will go in the field of social work, because he often in tune with just what is needed in every situation to make things better.