While searching for Inspiration to begin blogging again I came across a blogger who's idea will certainly bring a whole new meaning to my monday blogs. ( and i might even get some free therapy from this- seriously,what's not to like?)
- I did not go one more week not finding a family doctor for us since our move 4 months ago. I am way more attentive to priorities and prepared than that. Of course because I am so much better at organizing priorities, I made an appointment at our new family doctor and I did not spend 12 hours at the hospital ER WAITING to be seen on Saturday night.
- Most certainly this was trip to the ER was for an emergency and not for something could have been handled at the "found" doctor during the week before it became a pressing issue.
- I did not sleep in on Sunday morning after only what would have been 3 hours of sleep from coming home from the ER and dressed the kids for church, so that we could finally find a new church home since the move (4 months ago)
- I did not find excuses for the last 4 months on why we haven't made it to one church service since our move.
- I did not spend all day Sunday holding my sweet little Zoey Bear like a newborn (¬ a puppy) swaddled close to my chest, completely wrapped in a silky baby blanket, NO not me.
- I did not allow my five children to stay awake on Sunday night until 11 pm (a school night) to finish watching a movie. I promised 3 days ago they could watch Transformers 2 as a family. I did not play Café world on facebook during the family movie night because I was going through internet game withdrawals. No not me I love to cuddle among the kiddos, eat popcorn and enjoy family time.
And because this has been weighing on me I am taking this time to do a back dated not me monday- today :) - I did not let my heart over take my rational reasoning and bring home the cutest blonde Pekingese puppy 4 weeks ago. (yes Zoey Bear is the cute little dog looking at our pet turtle "Tootles" in blog title picture ) See she's so cute right?
- I've not felt guilty at all, that's why I did not wait to post pictures of our beautiful sweet puppy who adores Lexie on face book for my family to see until tomorrow.
- I did not feel guilty about having Zoey Bear in the house even though only 5 months ago we gave my mom our wonderful dog Molly(our basset/daschund mix) whom Lexie (our Boston terrier) would not get along with. No I would never bring more chaos to the house.
- I did not feel guilty when I looked into dog training for both Lexie and Zoey Bear so that we don't have a repeat issue with Lexie not tolerating a new buddy. I did not feel incredibly guilty because we never did this when we promised to give Molly a forever home.
- I did not feel even worse because I know the only reason we didn't back then was because we could not afford another dog much less training.
- Last but not least I did not allow my teenage & pre teen kids to watch a scary movie while i typed this blog because I am way more concerned about how those movies affect them than I would be about having time alone to just blog :)
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
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